Now, if you are a student, this may be a crucial question for you too, what is your best preferred learning style?
And if you aren’t a student, but a parent instead, this is equally important too
Because as a parent, you will want to know what is your child’s preferred learning style so that you can ensure that he or she is learning to the best of his or her capability
Ok that’s a mouthful, let me drink water
Before we go into the methods, we must first understand what is a learning style
Essentially, a preferred learning style (or the preferred style of learning) is one where each person may be able to learn and absorb as well as retain information at it’s best
And there are 3 main learning styles, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic
Hence, this is sometimes known as the VAK learning style
Think about it for a minute
As parents with kids from ages 3 to 12, how often do you get the following
- Have you encountered difficulty communicating with your child and wondering why couldn’t he/she understand you?
- Have you tried teaching a child and you end up stressed and frustrated over the lessons instead?
- Have you noticed particular habits which your child does during studying and you question what is wrong?
And that’s why it’s so important to understand your child’s learning style!
Ideally, you understand your learning style too, because it can sometimes be the case of conflict where you and your child’s learning style do not match and thus, it becomes even more challenging to teach your children
Anyway, before we go into understand how to adapt the right methods for your child’s best interests in learning
We have to first understand how to derive the specific number for your child
Please go to this article to read the calculation method to derive the personality and character number for your child before continuing
Alright welcome back 🙂
Now that you know how to calculate the learning style of your child, let me answer one more question before we go right into it
You might be wondering if there are any assessment tools out there that help to determine the learning style for your child, and truthfully, there are
However, why do I recommend you doing this method instead?
Let me share a story
Many years ago, when I gave tuition, I gave the online learning style assessment tool to my kids to get their preferred learning style and catered to their learning style preference
So if a child is a visual learning, I will teach him or her in a visual manner (and vice versa)
A couple months later, I chanced upon numerology and learning from my first numerology master
I was honestly in disbelief that this numerology system can replicate science!
So I asked for permission from my kids’ parents, and once they were ok with the numerology system, I got the children’s date of birth and calculated their chart
To my surprise, it was 100% match for match!
Each kid took around 45 minutes to do the scientific method for the learning style assessment tool and it was done way before the numerology method, which only took 5 minutes and it was a complete match!
The girl who was a visual learning based on assessment, was found to be visual based on numerology
The boy who was kinesthetic based on the assessment, was found to be kinesthetic based on numerology
And it was because of this, that made me go deeper into numerology 🙂
Ok, story over hahaa
So yes, you can go online and spend 45 minutes to an hour with your child to determine the learning style, or you can use their date of birth, and calculate quickly
In particular, when we want to look at the learning style of a child, we must remember that it is a preference, and not like only got 1 way to learn
On top of that, Singapore’s education system tends to be more visual (although it’s changing with the times) and this means that previously visual learners were seem to be fast in their learning while kinesthetic learners were seen to be slower
The speed of learning is in response to the way of delivery
Anyway, let’s go right into it
If your child’s character or strength is 4, 5, or 9, your child is a visual learner
Visual learners learn best visually, hence they tend to develop a “I see and understand fast” style
They learn information through reading, pictures, imagination extremely well, however they may get complacent as the years go by
If your child’s character or strength is 2, 3, 7, or 8, your child is an auditory learner
Auditory learners learn best through listening, hence they tend to prefer to have someone with them when learning, or they like to listen to music (inversely, some might be ultra sensitive to sound)
While they learn best through listening to someone explain, they may repeat the information to themselves as they learn or do their work
There is a slight difference, you may note the 2 and 7 tend to repeat what you say cause that’s how they learn, while the 3 and 8 might be more listening to you OR repeat to hear their own voice as they learn
If you have a young child, you might wonder why your child need you to be beside them in order to do work even though you may not actually be teaching them, and as they grow up, they may seek groups to learn and study together too
If your child’s character or strength is 1, 5, or 6, your child is a kinesthetic learner
Kinesthetic learners learn best through hands on activity, hence they need to repeat and repeat and work very hard in order to learn
They learn through hands on activity, writing, repetition, and tools like math aid tools to assist, if they can feel and touch, they learn better
They require time and hard work, and if the parent is particularly negative or often scold, it may hurt their morale and they stop working totally
Now even though you have now found your child’s preferred learning style, it doesn’t mean he or she can only do one way of learning!
Please remember this haha
Ideally, we want to have as many forms of learning as possible as this enhances the absorption and retention of information and what he learns
For example, a child with weakness of 2, strength of 1, and character of 3, will mean he or she can learn through both auditory and kinesthetic methods, so when you incorporate both styles in his lessons at home, he will learn faster
Another example is if your child has a weakness of 3, with a strength of 4, and a character of 7, while he can learn fast visually, he may want the company of a parent to sit with him while he works, and you may hear him talking to himself too
Ok! I don’t want to write too long hahaha
Jiayou and wish your child all the best in his studies!
Hope this helps 🙂
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